PENABEKASI.ID is one of the largest media communities in Indonesia. The main goal of penabekasi.id is to develop a new perspective and mindset of both Indonesian media and society that news isn't just a form of entertainment, but also a way to educate our society or to expand our horizon.
Penabekasi id was founded in 2018 and still exist to the present day. You can visit our website at penabekasi.id
For our community, penabekasi.id community has been established in 2019 by January Samsul, better known as Heri Buchori, and several of his colleagues, at a time when news industry especially online Media News Industry in Indonesia has not yet been well developed. Our mission is to provide media community in Indonesia a platform to interact with PT. SYAMRI PENA NUSANTARA.


Dewan Penasehat
Ismail Hasyim
- Adi Bunardi
- Iwan Nendi
- Achmad Fudolly
- Pedro Purnama
- Budiman

Pimpinan Perusahaan 
- Heri Buchori

Pimpinan Redaksi
- Syamsul MN

Sekretaris Redaksi
- Ahmad Fauzi
- Tsani Alhaq

Penasehat Hukum
- Nauval Al Rasyid SH
- Haris Fadillah SH

Web Development
- Robby Firlana

Oktavianus Luhur Bunganaen (Oo)
- Dewi (Dew)
- Lucky Bagus (Luk)
- Suganda (Gan)
- Derry (Ndut)
- Niki Dwi Andika Gumai (Nik)
- Muhammad Dicky Fauzan (Zan)

Nomor : 03

No. Rekening


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We strive to display the content as accurate as possible, but Pena bekasi content providers and all partners, including management consultancy and developer of content from other parties on this site are not liable for any errors and delays in updating data or information or any losses incurred due to actions relating to the use of information presented.
Pena bekasi is not responsible for the consequences, both directly or indirectly from any text, images, sounds, and all form of graphic produced and delivered by readers or users of all features labeled as "public" like U-Report, Reader Comments, Forum, Polls, Chatt, and more. However, in order to avoid both readers and users to bring inappropriate or harmful contents to anyone, such like pornography or offensive comments towards a specific region or race.
All contents in the form of text, images, sounds, and all forms of graphics delivered by reader or user are all subject to responsibility of each individual, not pena bekasi. All the work that was published in pena bekasi in the form of text, images, sounds, and all form of graphic are copyright on penabekasi.id .